Artistar Jewels 2019
The new Artistar Jewels 2019 call is now open

Milan, 21st June 2018

The 2019 call for the sixth edition of Artistar Jewels is officially open. It’s a project dedicated to the international scouting of talents of contemporary jewelery, of design, and of artist. The event, which has grown exponentially over the past editions, has hosted important creative talents such as Giancarlo Montebello, Philip Sajet, Yoko Ono, Pol Bury, Faust Cardinals and Gillo Dorfles and signed important partnerships like the one with the SIERAAD Art Fair of Amsterdam and renowned European concept stores. The next edition will take place from 19 to 24 February 2019 during the Milan Fashion Week in a prestigious location in the heart of the city. A jury of experts will announce the winners and will also award prizes to the most deserving. Compared to the previous edition, the number of jewels and wearable objects on show will be lower, as the selection, by the Artistar team, aims to offer visitors and buyers an exhibition whose level is increasingly. The news of the edition will be the considerable increase of concept stores that will directly select the creations to be displayed in their stores, this year, for the first time, even outside Europe. The most important news of 2019, is, in fact, the creation of a commercial network that expands all over the world. If until 2018 the participants exhibited their jewels in some European contemporary jewelry galleries, today Artistar Jewels, through partnerships and synergies born with numerous commercial realities, concept stores and galleries, gives the possibility to the artists to bring their own pieces within selected retailers in new countries. The aims of the event led by Enzo Carbone are to show the best creations designed in recent years from all over the world and spread the culture of the contemporary jewelry characterized mainly by technical and stylistic research, experimentation with new materials, reinterpretation of traditional ones and originality. Creations that do not exhaust their function in the ornamental dimension because central, in every object, are the narration of a story, the conveyance of a message or a precise creative idea. Stimulating dialogue and comparison between artists and experts in the sector, offering great visibility and creating real business opportunities are the central aspects that characterize the project, and it is for these reasons that Artistar Jewels represents a uniqueness within the international contemporary jewelery scene and is appreciated and recognized internationally.

A jury of experts will select 10 artists who will win important prizes and awards. All the selected creations will be protagonists of a dedicated shooting and published in the special volume Artistar Jewels 2019. The book, published by the publishing house Logo Fausto Lupetti, will be available on a national and international network: all bookshops in Italy and in the main European capitals, and shipped to over 5,000 industry insiders.
To participate in Artistar Jewels it is necessary to forward the application to the email address Further information and the complete announcement are available on the official website

Artistar Jewels is a project by Prodes Italia group that has been operating for years in the fields of high-quality research, design and contemporary art jewelery. It is the international reference point for all artists and designers of contemporary jewelry. The project, unique in its kind, offers each participant visibility and great business opportunities, positioning the artists within the reference market. Both emerging artists and more established ones will be able to count on increasing their brand reputation. Furthermore, the great participation of international media guarantees high visibility. These conditions set the right foundation for an expansion of its sales network and every single jewel selected will be able to purchase sales value to the public. Artistar Jewels is not a trade fair, and its activities are not limited to a prestigious editorial publication and an e-commerce site, Artistar Jewels is a global and transversal project that uses several complementary strategies, useful to disseminate with professionalism the creativity of each artist.

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Anna Nava Liess

The past two years of Artistar Jewels meant the world to me. The 2018 edition was the primary reason that I made my brand official. I had been designing and creating for many years but mostly as a student. My confidence in my work wasn’t all that high but when you all took notice, it made me begin to take what I do seriously. It was a huge learning experience: I came home with a new mission to step up my game and I feel like I did just that. My confidence in my art continues to grow thanks to this amazing project.

Elena Franceschetti

Describing Artistar Jewels in three words? Audacious, professional and ambitious. Visibility is an important component, especially for those like me who come from "solo" projects. The opportunity to be part of this project and the possibility of being published in a contemporary jewelry book together with other talented artists from all over the world was really exciting and rewarding, especially after much work spent growing and establishing myself as an artist.

Nita Angeletti

The professionalism, genuine care, devotion and distinctive selection of the magnificent diversity of work distinguish Artistar Jewels. It is an honor and privilege to exhibit with them. All of the work in the 2019 edition was extremely fascinating. The quality and diversity of materials, styles and execution of the art was astounding. I look forward to Milano Jewelry Week. Milano is a global center for art and design and a perfect place for this event. The presence of artistar jewels will greatly enhance its stellar success.