Artistar Jewels is a project by Prodes Italia group, that has been working for years in the high jewellery, design, luxury, contemporary art fields and wine.
Artistar Jewels is the international reference point for artistic jewelry’s designers and creators. The project, one of a kind, offers each participant great business opportunities by positioning the artists within the reference market.
Both emerging and more established artists will be able to count on improving their brand reputation. The great participation of international media, guarantees high visibility in the sector. These conditions set the right foundation for an expansion of the artist sales network and in addition, every single jewel selected might increase its retail sales value.

Artistar Jewels is not comparable to a trade fair, an editorial publication or an e-commerce. Artistar Jewels is a global and transversal project that uses several complementary strategies, useful for an optimal disclosure of the creativity of each artist.
– Exhibition event during the Milano Jewelry Week October 2025
– Invitation to the opening vernissage of the exhibition
– Press Office promoting Artistar Jewels entire year of 2024
– Editorial / social plan and communication strategies for the whole initiative
– Web and social dissemination of the contents of each artist
– Insertion of the participant’s name in the printed Milano Jewelry Week Guide distributed in 100,000 copies around the city of Milan
– Selection of the best artists who will have the opportunity to win dedicated prizes and awards, the selection will be curated by a jury composed of illustrious personalities of the sector

Gabriela Popescu
I want to thank Prodes Italia from the bottom of my heart for all the support all this years it has given me over the years and for the great work to organize the amazing exhibitions of Artistar Jewels! I'm glad about our successful and long-lasting collaboration that has already accumulated a consistent number of years, to my joy and appreciation. Congratulations, this edition was extraordinary! It is a great job and everything was wonderful! I want to show the whole team my maximum appreciation, for always being by my side and supporting me, especially when I needed it!
From Nature With Love
Milan was for me a great experience to see totally new perspective and to meet very interesting people. The organisation was also good, and I just loved the catalogue - it is so beautiful! I would like to participate next year too.
Francesca Luciani
Thanks Prodes Italia. This first experience at MJW was very interesting. I take with me this beautiful and positive experience, the many great people I met and the great opportunity to make my jewellery known. The confrontation with the wide reality of goldsmith design involved and united together was an opportunity for openness and great growth! I am happy to have been there!
First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your warm words and detailed information. It was truly an honor to be a part of the third edition of Milano Jewelry Week and to contribute as a participant. The event was exceptionally well-organized, and I gained numerous new experiences and insights. Furthermore, receiving the CARLO LUCIDI - Artistar Jewels Network Award was a significant honor for me. The links and resources Prodes Italia Team provided have been incredibly helpful, allowing me easy access to various updates and materials related to the event. I value our relationship with Prodes Italia and hope to maintain this bond in the future.
Patricia Gariboldi
Undoubtedly a very enriching experience, the chance to meet so many talented artists from different parts of the world, all within a framework of the highest professionalism, in an impressive city like Milan and in a dream setting like Palazzo Bovara, but above all highlighting, for me very important, the human quality of the entire team at every moment of the event. I really appreciate the opportunity I was given to be part of this wonderful event.
Melania La Via "Studio d’arte tessile"
Thank you, it was a wonderful experience, very educational and stimulating, perfect from every point of view, in which nothing was overlooked, not even the smallest detail, neither from an organisational point of view, nor with regard to content, and above all you were always kind and ready to respond to our needs with an unchanged smile and courtesy, despite the many people involved and the numerous initiatives. It was a unique opportunity to compare and grow, to meet professionals from the most diverse backgrounds, and this really helps to improve and work better. I wanted to tell you that I have already sold one of the two pairs of earrings on display at Palazzo Bovara to an unsuspecting buyer, and it was very nice to be able to tell him that he was buying one of the pieces of jewellery selected for Milan Jewelry Week etc. I wasn't very happy with the pieces I had been asked to display, I would have preferred to bring a different jewel, but the fact that the first day I displayed them they were immediately sold, confirms that ythe curators choice was the right one. Thank you again, I hope to participate in future editions.
OTOT Jewels
I would like to thank Prodes Italia for choosing me to be a part of this wonderful event. It has been an honour and a privilege to be sharing the same exhibition space with most of my favourite artists and to have my work displayed in such a gracious manner. Congratulations on choosing Palazzo Bovara for the exhibition, the venue was absolutely impressive.
Diana M. Schuhmacher
It was an amazing experience, meeting nice people and seeing friends from all over the world.PhaniaC
It was a special experience, I found a perfect organisation and met so many other incredible artists and women with whom a beautiful friendship was born. For this reason, thanks are multiplied.Acqua
It was a perfect organisation, considering the large attendance, most of them foreign artists. Everyone was exceptionally well welcomed and for every need I was supported very quickly, with human involvement as well as unquestionable professionalism! You were able to highlight a particular sector, which concerns artistic jewelry, showing the diversity and multitude of this niche!
Anna Nava Liess
The past two years of Artistar Jewels meant the world to me. The 2018 edition was the primary reason that I made my brand official. I had been designing and creating for many years but mostly as a student. My confidence in my work wasn’t all that high but when you all took notice, it made me begin to take what I do seriously. It was a huge learning experience: I came home with a new mission to step up my game and I feel like I did just that. My confidence in my art continues to grow thanks to this amazing project.Elena Franceschetti
Describing Artistar Jewels in three words? Audacious, professional and ambitious. Visibility is an important component, especially for those like me who come from "solo" projects. The opportunity to be part of this project and the possibility of being published in a contemporary jewelry book together with other talented artists from all over the world was really exciting and rewarding, especially after much work spent growing and establishing myself as an artist.Nita Angeletti
The professionalism, genuine care, devotion and distinctive selection of the magnificent diversity of work distinguish Artistar Jewels. It is an honor and privilege to exhibit with them. All of the work in the 2019 edition was extremely fascinating. The quality and diversity of materials, styles and execution of the art was astounding. I look forward to Milano Jewelry Week. Milano is a global center for art and design and a perfect place for this event. The presence of artistar jewels will greatly enhance its stellar success.Silvia Cruceru
To me Artistar Jewels is eclectic, inspirational and connective. In the 2019 edition I was so fascinated by the strong Romanian presence that the event had. The opportunities that most pushed me to participate was surely the fact that it is an international event which has grown year by year and also that each edition ends with the traditional volume that collects all the creations. The press and the public showed me that Milano is ready and willing to host a new week all dedicated to jewelry!Kathy Kraus
If I had to choose three words to describe the Artistar Jewels project I would use innovative, vibrant and international! I loved meeting the other participants because it is such a rare opportunity that we get to talk with fellow artists. Getting to know some of the incredibly talented people was a wonderful experience and Artistar Jewels Team was fantastic. I was also incredibly lucky to have my work selected and exhibited by international galleries!Gena Tudor
If I were to resume the Artistar Jewels project I would have to say that the words that best describe it are provocation, excitement and joy. The opportunities that most pushed me to participate in the event were the idea of the catalogue and the fact that I could present my work in such an established and amazing exhibition. And last but not least, creating the Milano Jewelry Week is simply a brilliant idea: being the capital of fashion I think it is a perfect fit for Milano and I believe it will be a great success!Miruna Belicovici
Having the pleasure to exhibit my works alongside the ones of such amazing artists is the greatest reward in participating in Artistar Jewels. I need to deeply thank the whole team for making it possible. To me the project reflects elegant and design artworks. Artistar Jewels was an amazing exhibition, each jewel had its mesmerizing beauty. Perhaps my most beloved one was the Volatile Borders brooch made by Silvia Cruceru. I relate to it in a personal way and irrevocably fell in love with it when I first hold it in my hands.Mappie Edelsmid
Recognition of my works and my designs by a serious platform for contemporary jewelry: this was the reason’s why I just needed to participate in Artistar Jewels. I wanted to demonstrate that design makes a piece of jewelry valuable, not the material used. To me, this project is surprising, adventures and uniting. I wasn’t fascinated by a creation in particular because all the diversity in the 2019 edition makes every jewel unique!Christine Rio
I think the project is important – it is vital to show the world that art matters, and can be found in any medium. It is supportive – the team nurtures the participants and encourages all that their work matters- from internationally known jewellers to suburban moms from half a world away who are trying their best to get out there (such as myself). And it is celebratory – it celebrates the importance and history of personal adornment and shows that it still has a place in this modern world.Ellence
I loved the fact that there was no preconception in the selection phase; full involvement of all artists in all the steps and above all promotion before/during/after the event to all and not only confined to the international distribution of a glamorous book on the event. The best experts, great press partners and a solid commercial network. So, what to ask for more? Not to the organization, but to my Milan city, to support this sector also with its wonderful concept stores and art galleries.Dominika Durtan
Challenging, inspiring and exciting. As a “newbie” to the jewellery making I found my participation in the Artistar exhibition to be a great challenge. I had to overcome my hesitation of exhibiting my designs. In the end it turned out to be a solid milestone in my development. Each exhibition I participated in (2018 and 2019) thought me a valuable lesson and brought unexpected outcomes. After first exhibition my piece, done under creative alias Izabela Chan, was chosen to travel to Brussels and Athens. After second exhibition, I was contacted by a Parisian gallery. It’s absolutely exciting to embark on such a journey!Maria Kerrn-Jespersen
To me Artistar Jewels is an inspirational, involving and innovative project. There was a lot of fascinating creations in the 2019 edition! It was great to experience so many different approaches to jewelry making, both in terms of style, materials and techniques. Surely the opportunities that most pushed me to participate in the event was to get my jewelry out to a larger public, as well as Artistars great work in spreading artistic contemporary jewelry.Michelle Lung
The event was just a perfect opportunity to show my work to a wider audience and find out what sort of response I got from the public, fellow artists and gallery curators and organisers too. It was a fantastic time to get to meet fellow talented artists in the contemporary jewellery community. In fact the most valuable thing from the event was getting to share ideas, opinions and tips and tricks with the fellow jewellers and meet so many great people in general!Francesca Paolin
The possibility of being in touch with buyers and journalists or bloggers in the sector was certainly an incentive to get involved. I'm interested in seeing how the stylists reinterpret my jewelry, because styling is one of my passions. There are several creations that struck me, but what I appreciated most was the diversity in the broadest sense of the term. Each piece was easily traceable to its creator, I believe this exhibition gives a broad overview of contemporary jewelry.Rohit Jain
Three words with which I would describe the Artistar Jewels project? Amazing, Creative and World class. To exhibit at a global platform in one of the fashion capitals of the world and to see the work of other contemporary designers for inspiration were the opportunities that pushed me to participate in the 2019 edition. Milano Jewelry Week will surely be a good initiative and it’s always good to experiment and keep pushing.A. MARIN Jewelry
I liked the contest as all participants and jewels were very different and unusual. Designers’ solutions were close to the classical jewelry, and unusual creative artworks made of non-traditional materials. Especially, I admired works that were made from tin can pull-tabs - an interesting and unusual idea. So to me Artistar Jewels was interesting, challenging and prestigious. I’ve already recommended it to my colleagues from British Higher School of Design, some of them are going to participate for sure!Anastasia Khazyrbekava
When I received an invitation from Artistar Jewels, I was very interested in the exhibition, but I decided to get the opinion of the participants of the previous year. I got a good feedback from other artists, so it was the decisive factor for me in favour of Artistar Jewels 2018. If I had to chose three words to describe what this project meant to me, I will surely say Contemporary, Inspirational and Multicultural!Andrea Barrail
The access to buyers and magazines , to have the opportunity to be publish in the book, the show during fashion week, the prizes, to be able to meet other talented designers… That’s what pushed me to participate in the event! I would definitely recommend it to other artists. I was stunned by the variety and creativity shown by all the artists selected in my edition. They were all so talented so it would be hard to choose my favourite.Bia Tambelli
The Artist Night I attended was wonderful! Everything was as I expected: the fact that we were designers on our own specifically to get to know each other more intimately. In particular, I very much sympathized with Russian designers and other Brazilian women from my own country. Opportunities for me to participate in upcoming international events and forge commercial partnerships have meant a lot to me. I have already reported Artistar to some students of the IED of San Paolo (Brazil).Dan Russel
I must admit that on entering the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti on the first night, I felt very out of my depth with just how grand a location it was, but once I ascended the stairs and entered the event all the nerves disappeared as I was warmly welcomed inside. The nights were very well organised and I had a great time meeting and talking to some amazingly talented people, there was a very positive vibe and everyone there could celebrate their accomplishments.Emma Fox
It feels wonderful to see my work in such a professional setting alongside so many other talented designers and makers. I wasn't sure I was of a standard to feature alongside so many amazing designers, but I thought I would find out! I'm pleased with how my work looks in the published book. To me Artistar Jewels is eclectic, inspirational and means talent.Emma Villedrouin
I participated because I was intrigued by the venue. Milan is a center for art and fashion. The book produced is beautiful and the exposure to such a variety of artists is sure to be positive in the long run. The show was beautifully curated. The team found aesthetic connections between a truly diverse group of artists whose individual voices are very strong and managed to make a cohesive and flowing collection.Fernanda Manço
Professional, relevant and innovative. All jewels have their own particularities and they were surely presented in a brilliant way. I would certainly recommend it to other artists because Artistar Jewels is an excellent project which gives important opportunities and visibility to artists from all around the world. And the people who are responsible for it are very professional, attentive and friendly.Fontu by Tathi Fontoura
I loved the atmosphere created on the Artists Night and Awarding Night of Artistar Jewels 2018. Would I recommend to other artists to take part in Artistar Jewels? Yes, for sure! I had the chance to be in touch with stores, sell my works to them and spread my brand. They are both very important services provided by the team of Artistar Jewels.Gry Grindbakken_Fili
Artistar Jewels was a great opportunity to show my urge on an exhibition of modern jewelry. And of course a very good occasion during Milan Fashion Week. Also having the chance to participate in two gala nights it was amazing. Especially the evening only for the artists: we could talk and connect contacts! So to me the project is progressive, innovative and brave.Lorella Verrillo
An artist should join the Artistar Jewels project for sure to have more visibility and to be able to broaden their horizons. To be visible to an audience and to international concept stores and to have exhibition spaces inside national and international fairs or exhibitions. The work of some of the artists who participated in my edition was exceptional! Exploration and personal experience prevailed, transformed into genial works.Nina Oikawa
It was so nice to see such diverse collections of jewellery made with passion. There were so many fascinating pieces and especially the works shows the mutuality with skills, knowledge and ideas was what I enjoyed to see in this show. This was my family vacation first time together in Italy so the event was such great opportunity and experience for us as we were totally tourists. Though, this show was the reason why we decided to travel to Italy!Touch by Olga
I would recommend Artistar to those who consider contemporary jewellery as part of their life. It’s great promotion and a possibility to intermingle with the contemporary jewellery design community from all over the world! I love to define Artistar Jewels as Neo Dolce Vita! Also the atmosphere of the gala nights was more that exciting and I made some new friends. I am participating for the second time and It has already become a great spring event for me.Paloma Vega
The entire exhibition worked perfectly as a whole. The high artistic and skilled level is surprising. The atmosphere was great, many things to see, many people to talk to. I had the chance to see in person the quality of the works and the persons behind them. I would absolutely recommend it to my colleagues. The whole event is very appealing, from the exhibition beautifully set, the exclusive location in Milan, the amazingly printed catalogue and the opportunity to meet in person the creators and so many exciting artists.Pauletta Brooks
There was palpable anticipation and excitement in the events organized by Artistar Jewels! The designers were all friendly and there was a true feeling of camaraderie among the attendees. Everybody was happy to be there. I think the organizers did an excellent job leading up to the event, both in the social media advertising and in dividing the opening events into two nights. I would definitely recommend it to other artists to take part in Artistar Jewels.PLAITLY by Caroline Quinio
I was really blown away by all of the exquisite pieces and the amount of talent on display at the show! It was inspiring and humbling at the same time. I was fascinated by the stylistic range of the pieces on display. I was very interested in the opportunity to share my work with an international audience that values the bold and experimental qualities of contemporary jewelry. I also very much appreciated the outreach to the press and potential buyers, especially concept stores.Michele Benjamin
I was honored to have the opportunity to introduce Michele Benjamin Jewelry in Italy during Milan Fashion Week, in a juried exhibition via Artistar Jewels who provided a spectacular presentation, exhibiting amongst amazing designers from across the globe, in a beautiful and historical environment. Artistar's welcoming staff helped me the entire way through the juried entry and application process, providing immediate responses and expert advice.Yj LIN STUDIO
We enjoyed the open environment which we had the opportunities to open conversations and explore Contemporary Jewelry altogether with talented artists/designers. It was such an opportunity to meet many talented artists from all over the world and exchange ideas and knowledge. How inspiring! The excellent exposure from journalists online made the show beyond successful, too. To us it means community, innovation, contemporary.Rosy Venetucci – Formedarte
What were the services that most drove me to attend the event? The idea of having the opportunity to participate in a traveling exhibition, as well as the notoriety that Artistar Jewels has in the jewelry sector. My contest win was absolutely unexpected but pleasantly appreciated. A strong satisfying emotion for all my research work.Laura Agnello Modica
I appreciated a lot of works presented, I find it was a very rich exhibition in the poetic aspect. The materials used are also very interesting. I would certainly recommend other artists to participate in Artistar Jewels, I think it's a good opportunity for growth and comparison. I would describe it as a young, innovative and at the same time dynamic project.