Artistar Jewels 2015
Twelve months of Artistar Jewels are starting

Milan, May 13th 2014

Artistar Jewels is launching once again its yearly program of multi-channel promotion of the Jewel of Art and is opening the selections for all the initiatives over the next 12 months.

Artistar Jewels is a project of multi-channel promotion of the jewel of art. Among its initiatives are: publishing, organization of events and the web leading last year to the creation of an exhibition at the Fondazione Maimeri Milan during the Fashion Week 2013, the publication of the first volume " Artistar Jewels, the art to wear" ( Fausto Lupetti Publisher ) and the opening of the online platform for the sale of the Jewelery of Art ( ). Artistar Jewels was also present at Fuorisalone 2014 with a temporary shop within the exhibition din - design in (via Massimiano 6, Milan).

A significant selection of fine, unique pieces, made by skilled craftsmen in a variety of materials and techniques, which has been promoted for an entire year across Italy aiming to inform, to approach, to facilitate relationships and to let interact all the players and the fans in the jewel industry.

For the year 2015 Artistar Jewels proposes the same formula that gained great success in the previous edition, but enriched with a set of new features, aiming primarily at the promotion of the project on an international scale.

The exhibition, which will be held in a central location of Milan in December, will precede the release of the book catalogue to be published in February. Within the venue a photo shoot of all the objects on display will be taken.

The book Artistar Jewels 2015 published both in Italian and English version, will be distributed in all bookstores in Italy and in the major European cities. Furthermore It will be shipped to 300 hotels, spa, luxury boutiques and personal shoppers and its digital version will be sent to over 5,000 international contacts in the sector.

The online shop will host all items for 12 months, enabling the direct sale of these exclusive creations all over the world.

Finally, the participants in the project will have access to the selections for the temporary shop which will be present at the upcoming Fuorisalone 2015.

In order to participate in the selection it is necessary to forward photos of the items with a brief description at

Spreads the ideological and material value of 'handmade', making easier the contact between the 'workshop' and the public. The project is divided up into a series of initiatives, to give value and spread the 'practical ability' through the selection of unique pieces. Artistar's goal is to promote precious 'handmade' objects with huge passion and quality. publishes every year the homonym book/catalogue, which contains the best going away masterpieces, divided according to typology and authors. During the year Artistar organizes exhibitions, presentations of events with the aim of showing up the authors and creations through a global strategy, in order to attract the interest of an increasing public. is the first italian e-commerce webpage entirely dedicated to the contemporary jewel and regroups a selection of artists and designers of the online community

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Anna Nava Liess

The past two years of Artistar Jewels meant the world to me. The 2018 edition was the primary reason that I made my brand official. I had been designing and creating for many years but mostly as a student. My confidence in my work wasn’t all that high but when you all took notice, it made me begin to take what I do seriously. It was a huge learning experience: I came home with a new mission to step up my game and I feel like I did just that. My confidence in my art continues to grow thanks to this amazing project.

Elena Franceschetti

Describing Artistar Jewels in three words? Audacious, professional and ambitious. Visibility is an important component, especially for those like me who come from "solo" projects. The opportunity to be part of this project and the possibility of being published in a contemporary jewelry book together with other talented artists from all over the world was really exciting and rewarding, especially after much work spent growing and establishing myself as an artist.

Nita Angeletti

The professionalism, genuine care, devotion and distinctive selection of the magnificent diversity of work distinguish Artistar Jewels. It is an honor and privilege to exhibit with them. All of the work in the 2019 edition was extremely fascinating. The quality and diversity of materials, styles and execution of the art was astounding. I look forward to Milano Jewelry Week. Milano is a global center for art and design and a perfect place for this event. The presence of artistar jewels will greatly enhance its stellar success.